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Religious Trauma & Cult Recovery Blog

Here's all our best information on religious trauma, codependency, trauma responses and recovery. 

Healing Anxiety and Managing the Nervous System

Trauma + the Nervous System

Trauma is a difficult experience, but it can be managed. In this blog post I will discuss how to better understand trauma responses and provide you with steps for managing anxiety. I’ll also talk about how the nervous system works and what you can do to help...

8 Common Religious Trauma Symptoms

Religious trauma is more common than you might think. When trauma happens within religious environments, unique symptoms can arise. Oftentimes, there’s a mix of upsetting trauma symptoms and the mental health outcomes of living in repressive and controlling environments.  


What are the Types of Dissociation?

One of the most common ways that our brains protect ourselves from receiving too much traumatizing information is through dissociation

Dissociation is one of the powerful and merciful ways that our brain takes a break from reality in order to protect us from feeling pain, taking in...

Coaching vs Therapy. How do I know what’s right for me?

When you decide that you need additional support, it can be very overwhelming to decide what kind of support you want and who you want to work with. We want to make that decision a little easier for you. First off, let’s dive into the differences between therapy and coaching.

Our staff...

The 4 Trauma Responses

The 4F trauma responses represent a way of thinking about trauma and the different ways it can show up in the aftermath of severe abandonment, abuse, and neglect. This “trauma typology” was introduced by CPTSD expert Pete Walker, LMFT. I love this framework because it provides the...

Different Types of Narcissism

Today we are talking about narcissism. What is narcissism, you ask? Narcissism is described as extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone can show signs of narcissistic behavior, a true narcissist has difficulty...

The Must Reads

You don't have to feel lost in your trauma recovery.  Get access to our free resources, practical tips and skills you can use along the way. 

Common Symptoms of Codependency

Do I have Religious Trauma?

The 4 Trauma Responses

Take our free quiz to see if your group was a little culty.

Our quiz is free, takes just a few minutes and gets you immediate results. Take our quiz today. 

Take the Quiz

Religious Trauma Blogs

Let's get you the right kind of support.  Our blog is full of religious trauma, cult abuse and spiritual abuse recovery resources. 

Do I Have Religious Trauma?

Am I In A Cult?

What is Deconstruction?